Huang Jiefu(Chairman of China human organdonation and Transplantation Committee and President of China organ transplantation Development Foundation):“On Nov14, British Medical Association published an article wrote by an Israel so-called ”scollar“, on BMC Ethics。 The article violates basic scientific common sense and is full of loopholes,causing widespread doubt from China and the international organ transplantation community。 I have to tell the author, As a heart organ transplant doctor, he should spend more time treating people with heart disease, don‘t say things that even yourself don’t believe。 There is an idioms in China said that, you can never wake up a person who pretends to sleep。 He may talk about equations today, and tomorrow he will tell you another astronomical figure。 We don’t care these ridiculous rumors。 The rumor always stop at wise men。”
财务报表的突然“变脸”,也受到了投资者的质疑。中信信诚解释称,所有者为负值原因在于2018年年初以来未分配利润为-2.88 亿元。投资者告诉记者,此前项目尽职调查中中信信诚提到,将派驻一名董事进驻沈阳百年城,拥有一票否决权。然而,本报记者在查询工商资料后发现,沈阳百年城的高管在2016年1月后并没有发生变化。
“我希望大家能够切身感受到学术被政治渗透的一种趋势和现象,所有全球医学的专家和科学家都应该特别的警惕这个情况。”Wang Haibo (Director of China Organ Transplant Response System-COTRS in China):“I’m not worried about the ridicules rumor, because the data in our COTRS system is not just a data point, but a name, a true person with story and a family。 There are more than 26000 donors data in system, which representing more than 26000 life stories。”